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 News Archive 2021

A K9 dog named Apis sniffed out 92 pounds of drugs
by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 16, 2021

Talk about a good boy! Bright and early on Wednesday morning, the California Highway Patrol (CHP)-Valley Division stopped a speeding 2021 Toyota Corolla that was going more than 65 mph down the road.

After the human officers pulled over the driver, the K-9 officer named “Apis” got out of the patrol vehicle and then sniffed out a total of 92 pounds of drugs that included 81 pounds of methamphetamine and 11 pounds of fentanyl tables that were placed inside a big cardboard box located in a 2021 Toyota Corolla.

It’s quite certain that the folks who were in the 2021 Toyota Corolla told the cops that they don’t know how the drugs got there or even how the cardboard box got there. They were probably like, “None of that was there when we got in the car.”

Due to the fact that the police have heard that line a zillion times before, they went ahead and arrested the drug trafficking folks and charged them with several crimes that included speeding violations, drug possession, and drug trafficking.

The drug possession and drug trafficking charges come under California’s Health and Safety Code Article I Sections 11351 and 11352 and Article V Sections 11378 (a) and 11379 (a).

And unless those poor saps have a really good lawyer who can get them probation or a year in prison, the time those poor saps are going to spend in prison is going to be more than five years.

Oh yeah, before I forget, the driver will have to pay a fine for violating California Vehicle Code Article I section 22349 for speeding, which along with having the drugs, is what got them all in this mess in the first place.

I wonder if Apis got hamburger and French fries after sniffing out that big find?!

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