Nathan'ette Burdine's The Nyle Magazine

  News     Politics       Entertainment      Under the Radar      Double-Talking            

Lee Jae-myung celebrating with his hands, in a closed fits, in the air;
Doctors believe Lee Jae-myung will make it after being stabbed in the

by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 4, 2024
Democratic Party of Korea chairman, 59-year-old Lee Jae-myung;
An elderly man posed as a supporter of
Lee Jae-myung in order to get close to
him to stab him

Steve Scalise with the happy look;
Steve Scalise got the votes needed to
have his name brought on the House
floor to become the next SOTH

Senator Dianne Feinstein;
Over a majority of California voters say
it’s time for Senator Dianne Feinstein to go
Russian Politician Andrey Kartapolov;
Andrey Kartapolov says that Wagner is in Belarus to attack the NATO countries bordering Ukraine
President Joe Biden in Helsinki, Finland;
President Joe Biden says that no country at war can join NATO

President Joe Biden;   Politics

 President Joe Biden says the  debt ceiling bill he’s signed  into law is "a big win"
 President Joe Biden-...this bipartisan  agreement is a big win for our economy  and the American people.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 4, 2023

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell;   Politics

 The debt ceiling bill is in the  Senate's hands
 The Senate is expected to pass the debt  ceiling bill by Friday so that they may get  the bill to President Joe Biden's desk  before the June 5th deadline, which is  when the country runs out of money.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 1, 2023

Representatives Angie Craig and Deborah Ross;   Politics

 Two of the four people who  did not vote on raising the  debt ceiling had a good reason
 Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) jacked up her  ankle while working in the yard. Rep.  Deborah Ross (D-NC) has COVID-19.  Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Lauren  Bobert (R-CO) just didn't vote.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 1, 2023

King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla;   Politics

 A majority of Canadians say  no to recognizing King Charles  and Queen Consort Camilla
 The Angus-Reid Institute did a poll which  showed that 60% of Canadians agree that  neither King Charles or Queen Consort  Camilla should be referred to by their  royal titles.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 30, 2023

Toronto Mayor John Tory;   Politics

 Toronto Mayor John Tory  resigns after admitting he  cheated on his wife
 Toronto Mayor John Tory blamed his late  night work, during the COVID-19  pandemic, for his slipping up and cheating  on his wife, Barbara Hackett, with a 31- year-old ex-staffer who has not been  named.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: February 13, 2023

Joe Biden State of the Union Address;   Politics

 The State of the Union  Address was like a family  meeting
 The State of the Union Address was like a  family meeting that was called so grand- daddy, President Joe Biden in this case,  could tell everybody how things are going  to be.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: February 11, 2023

Kevin McCarthy scratching his head duing Speaker of the House vote;   Politics

 No Speaker in the House
 The House Republicans fail to select a  Speaker of the House not once, or twice,  but thrice times.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 4, 2023

Russian President Vladimir (Poochie Pooh) Putin looking like he's denying something;   Politics

 Vladimir Putin says the war in  Ukraine is a tragedy that is  not the fault of Russia
 'What’s happening now is a tragedy, but  it’s not our fault', is what Thomas  Mackintosh of the BBC quoted Vladimir  Putin as saying.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: December 26, 2022

Protests to China's COVID-19 policies;   Politics

 A young Chinese protester  says he loves his country but  not his government
 Shaun Xiao told Reuters, 'I’m here  because I love my country, but I don’t  love my government…I want to be able to  go out freely, but I can’t. Our COVID-19  policy is a game and is not based on  science or reality.'

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 28, 2022

California Governor Gavin Newsom;   Politics

 Gavin Newsom says he is not  running to become the next  POTUS
 Gavin Newsom says he's cool with Joe  Biden running for POTUS in 2024.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 28, 2022

Mitch McConnell Chuck Schumer Nancy Pelosi ;   Politics

 Pelosi, McConnell, and  Schumer will work until the  Lawd calls them home
 Pelosi, McConnell, and Schumer aren't  retiring because retirment means they  have nothing left to give to the betterment  of society.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 21, 2022

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudea shaking the hand of China President Xi Jinping;   Politics

 China says Xi Jinping doesn't  have a problem with Justin  Trudeau
 China denies that President Xi Jinping  was fussing at Canadian Prime Minister  Justin Trudea due to his telling the  Canadian people about a private meeting  the two had.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 21, 2022

China President Xi Jinping;   Politics

 China President Xi Jinping  doesn't support any country  shooting off nukes
 China President Xi Jinping believes 'that  nuclear wars must not be fought,' and that  all parties should do what they can in  order to 'prevent a nuclear crisis in  Eurasia.'

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 21, 2022

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky;   Politics

 Zelensky says no to talking
 to Putin

 Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky- He does not know what dignity and  honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for a  dialog with Russia, but with another  president of Russia.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: October 7, 2022

Donald Trump looking away as his hands rest on Steven Bannon's shoulders;   Politics

 Answer those subpoenas
 Steve Bannon's 'presidential daddy',  Donald Trump, not being in office is why  Steve Bannon will have to pay a fine and  serve time for not anserwing the Select  Committee's subpoena about what he  knew about the events leading up to,  during, and after the January 6  Insurrection on The Capitol.

 by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 23, 2022

Lee Jae-myung celebrating with his hands, in a closed fits, in the air;
Doctors believe Lee Jae-myung will make it after being stabbed in the

by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 4, 2024

Democratic Party of Korea chairman, 59-year-old Lee Jae-myung;
An elderly man posed as a supporter of Lee Jae-myung in order to get close to him to stab him
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 2, 2024

Steve Scalise with the happy look;
Steve Scalise got the votes needed to have his name brought on the House floor to become the next SOTH
by Nathan'ette Burdine: October 11, 2023

Senator Dianne Feinstein;
Over a majority of California voters say it’s time for Senator Dianne Feinstein to go
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 23, 2023

Russian Politician Andrey Kartapolov;
Andrey Kartapolov says that Wagner is in Belarus to attack the NATO countries bordering Ukraine
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 22, 2023

President Joe Biden in Helsinki, Finland;
President Joe Biden says that no country at war can join NATO
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 22, 2023

President Joe Biden;
President Joe Biden says the debt ceiling bill he’s signed into law is "a big win"
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 4, 2023

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell;
The debt ceiling bill is in the Senate's hands
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 1, 2023

Representatives Angie Craig and Deborah Ross;
Two of the four people who did not vote on raising the debt ceiling had a good reason
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 1, 2023

King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla;
A majority of Canadians say no to recognizing King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla
by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 30, 2023

Toronto Mayor John Tory;
Toronto Mayor John Tory resigns after admitting he cheated on his wife
by Nathan'ette Burdine: February 13, 2023

Joe Biden State of the Union Address;
The State of the Union Address was like a family meeting
by Nathan'ette Burdine: February 11, 2023

Kevin McCarthy scratching his head duing Speaker of the House vote;
No Speaker in the House
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 4, 2023

Russian President Vladimir (Poochie Pooh) Putin looking like he's denying something;
Vladimir Putin says the war in Ukraine is a tragedy that is not the fault of Russia
by Nathan'ette Burdine: December 25, 2022

Protests to China's COVID-19 policies;
A young Chinese protester says he loves his country but not his government
by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 28, 2022

California Governor Gavin Newsom;
Gavin Newsom says he is not running to become the next POTUS
by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 28, 2022

Mitch McConnell Chuck Schumer Nancy Pelosi ;
Pelosi, McConnell, and Schumer will work until the Lawd calls them home
by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 21, 2022

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudea shaking the hand of China President Xi Jinping;
China says Xi Jinping doesn't have a problem with Justin Trudeau
by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 21, 2022

China President Xi Jinping;
China President Xi Jinping doesn't support any country shooting off nukes
by Nathan'ette Burdine: November 21, 2022

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky;
Zelensky says no to talking to Putin
by Nathan'ette Burdine: October 7, 2022

Donald Trump looking away as his hands rest on Steven Bannon's shoulders;
Answer those subpoenas
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 23, 2022