Nathan'ette Burdine's The Nyle Magazine

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Dude chilaxing and reading a book while sitting in the snow;
Folks living around
the Montana and
Idaho mountains
were chilling while
the rest of us
were sizzling
Steven Whitecloud Old Bank Robber in Montana;
An octogenarian confessed to telling
a Zoomer to rob banks to make money
Dude using a fire extinguisher;
Two adults stopped kids from smoking by spraying the fire extinguisher on the kids’ cigarettes

Exorcism priest casting out demons;

Exorcist priest casting out demons

A former student accuses the
Saskatoon Christian Centre
Academy of having exorcism
to cast out gay demons
by Nathan'ette Burdine: August 4, 2022

Coy Nolin told CBC News that back in 2004 when he was a student at Saskatoon Christian Centre Academy, the school’s director told him they were going to “cure” him of his homosexuality by exorcising the “gay demons” out of him.

Exorcism priest casting out demons;

    Nolin, of course, was like, “I don’t have any demons!”

    And they were like, “The Lord has spoken through the mouth of a
    babe who sayeth ye has been touched by Mephistopheles!”

Nolin was just a 16-year-old kid at the time and just really trying to figure things out. The “good, decent Christian folks” though didn’t care because in their minds they were doing God’s work by stopping Nolin from heading straight towards the bowels of Satan. And they weren’t going to let Satan get his evil lil’ hands on a boy that they wanted to put their evil lil’ hands on.

The “good decent Christian” folks told Nolin he was going to be a good boy and take that exorcism “cure.” They showed up, four Christians strong, at Nolin’s mother’s, Carilyn, home. They had their crosses, water, paddle, and the power of Christ to compel thee! After they made their way into Nolin’s mother home, they started calling out to God, throwing the water, holding up the cross, and whuppin’

Nolin in the name of Jesus. Nolin’s mama was crying. Nolin was crying. And the “good decent Christian folks” were salivating at what they thought were the tears of Satan escaping from Nolin and his mother’s eyes. “The power of Christ is working. Satan is crying out through thou tears,” is what the four Christian thugs most likely said to each other.

After being emotionally and physically traumatize by the “Four Hands of God,” Nolin filed a criminal complaint of abuse with the Saskatoon police. The prosecutor has the case and is in the process of making a decision on whether to charge the “good decent Christian folks” for their criminal behavior that they were doing in the name of Jesus.

Like Nolin, there were other students who suffered at the hands of the self-appointed “God Council.” Sean Kotelmach was placed in “solitary confinement” and beaten due to what the “God Council” saw as his “willingness” to not learn at the pace they set for him. Caitlin Erickson and Christina Hutchinson were on the volleyball team and like young teenage girls they liked to whisper about things they didn’t want the grown folks to hear.

The “God Council” didn’t like all of that whispering. To them, whispering was evidence of the devil’s work. So, the “God Council” decided they’d use the “Four Hands of God” in order to cleanse the young girls of their sins. “Everything is based on constant fear-fear of being paddled, fear of going to hell,” is what Hutchinson told the CBC folks.

When asked if they use beatings and exorcisms to do all of that “sin cleansing,” the “God Council” denied it. And they denied it because they know that Canada’s law doesn’t support their warp interpretation of God’s law.

Back in 2003, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled that you can’t beat the sin out of children. If you do beat the sins out of the children, you could easily find yourself in a prison where the sins will be beaten out of you.

To prison the “God Council” at Saskatoon’s Christian Centre Academy shall go!


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