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 Politics Archive 2017

Hillary Clinton confirmed George W Bush's
"weird shit" comment about Donald Trump
by Nathan'ette Burdine: September 19, 2017

During a sit down with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Hillary Clinton confirmed the rumors that former President George W. Bush (W) called President Donald Trump’s inaugural speech “some weird shit.”

Cooper asked Clinton about the section in her book that talks about Trump’s inaugural speech being “some weird shit” and she responded, “I couldn’t’ve agreed more.”

Cooper then followed this up by asking if she really agreed “with that sentiment.” Clinton told Cooper, “I do. It was so strange.”

Cooper paused for a brief moment, looked over at Clinton, and then asked, “Will you reveal your sourcing on that? Is she sitting across from me right now?”

Now, I must say, Clinton didn’t do too good of a job of hiding that she is more than likely one of the three sources who told Yashar Ali of the New York Magazine that W told folks that Trump’s inaugural speech “was some weird shit.”

The former secretary of state began laughing so hard that she almost laughed herself out of the chair. Cooper gave Clinton a look of, “I think you did it.”

Recognizing that she had been “caught,” the former secretary of state quickly gathered herself and said, “I phrased it very delicately;” which Cooper agreed that she did.

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