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 News Archive 2021

Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles chicken thief was arrested
by Nathan'ette Burdine: March 19, 2021

A 43-year-old man named Steve Carlos Williams is the chicken thief who held Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles employees up at gunpoint just so he could get Roscoe’s famous chicken and waffles.

Last month, Steve Carlos Williams walked into a Pasadena Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles without a mask. After the employees told him no mask equals no chicken, Steve Carlos Williams went back to his vehicle and then came back with a gun. “Put the chicken in the bag,” is what he told the Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles employees to do.

A couple of days after committing the alleged crime of armed robbery of Roscoe’s famous chicken and waffles, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputies picked up the alleged chicken thief for another crime he had allegedly committed.

The police identified 43-year-old Steve Carlos Williams as the prime suspect in the chicken and waffle case. And as a result, the LA County District Attorney’s office hit him with two counts each of robbery and assault with a firearm.

Steve Carlos Williams is currently keeping a jail cell bed warm while he waits, on a $125,000 bond, for his case to be heard by one of LA County’s judges.

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