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 Entertainment Archive 2020

September 24th is when production will resume on the 2nd half of Season 5 of Lucifer
by Nathan'ette Burdine: September 13, 2020

To those of you who’ve seen Chris Rafferty’s tweet, no worries.

I have it from a credible source, TV Line that is, that on September 24, 2020, the Lucifer folks will finish shooting the 16th episode, which is the last episode, of Season 5.

After that wraps up, they’ll move right on over to shooting the sixth and final season of Lucifer.

This is really good news because it means that sometime in the future we’ll get to see more of our favorite devil angel juggling his work life as a consultant for the LAPD and his love life as LAPD Detective Chloe Decker’s devil angel man.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot…The dude, Rob Benedict, who plays God on Supernatural, will be playing a human on Lucifer.

The human, who Rob Benedict will be portraying, is a mercenary who’s found himself in Lucifer’s, Chloe’s, and the law’s path.

Hey, this mercenary dude could be a good soulmate for Maze! She’s a demon bounty hunter and he’s a human mercenary.

It’s really no different than the devil himself and his human dame. Lucifer punishes people in hell and Chloe arrest people so they can be punished in jail.

Just like Lucifer and Chloe, Maze and the mercenary dude have work in common. He gets paid to get folks and she gets paid to get folks.

It’s just that his getting involves killing. But, y’all get the point. It’s a match made on earth!

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