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 Entertainment Archive 2020

Weekend Update with guest appearances by Cathy Anne is the best part about SNL coming back live on air
by Nathan'ette Burdine: September 16, 2020

The best thing about SNL coming back live on air, on October 3rd, is Weekend Update with guest appearances by Cathy Anne (played by Cecily Strong).

Cathy Anne’s Christian name is Catherine Annette Vanderbilt. She’s Anderson Cooper’s third cousin.

Ms. Cathy Anne is also Michael Che’s neighbor. And from time to time, she’ll stop by to talk to Michael Che and Colin Jost about the goings-on in the world.

Go ahead and take a gander, down below, at Cathy Anne.

Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Cathy Anne Played By Cecily Strong;

Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Cathy Anne Played By Cecily Strong;

Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Cathy Anne Played By Cecily Strong;

Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Cathy Anne Played By Cecily Strong;

Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Cathy Anne Played By Cecily Strong;

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